Broward Arts Calendar
Art Lit 2020, collaboration of arts and literature hosted by Broward County Libraries and the Pompano Beach Cultural Center was a great success this month. 25 chalk artists joined live painters, virtual reality artists, and more at this 3rd annual community event on Saturday, January 11th. I was happy to continue the role of chalk artist coordinator in helping to bring the art of live street painting to the City of Pompano Beach.
Chalk Lit Fest was a huge success last weekend drawing over 4K visitors to the downtown library in Ft. Lauderdale. I was fortunate to help run the event alongside Broward Cultural Division and Broward County Main Library Jan 13, 2018. With 25 professional chalk artists inspiring the spectators, we invited the public to draw and add their colorful mark to the library’s main plaza square.
August 6th, 2015
The Giving Tree mural completed this past May for the newly relocated ChildNet offices made a feature in the Sun Sentinel newspaper this morning. The murals, based on classic children’s books were designed to create an atmosphere of safety and comfort for the kids brought through this non-profit child welfare system. The four Artserve artists brought in include myself, Jane Casoria, Nadine Floyd, and Lori Pratico.
Finally saying goodbye to this 6 foot repurposed surfboard from the Yelp Spring Break 2015 Community Color-In with Bailey Contemporary Arts! After outlining a design on a refinished old board, local spring breakers filled in the spaces with sharpie paint pens right on the beach. After a few touch ups and a coat of resin, it is finding its home this week with a lucky buyer. More repurposed board projects to come! Stay tuned