Tag Archives: winter art

Art Lit 2020

Broward Arts Calendar https://www.artscalendar.com/artlit-2020/

Art Lit 2020, collaboration of arts and literature hosted by Broward County Libraries and the Pompano Beach Cultural Center was a great success this month. 25 chalk artists joined live painters, virtual reality artists, and more at this 3rd annual community event on Saturday, January 11th. I was happy to continue the role of chalk artist coordinator in helping to bring the art of live street painting to the City of Pompano Beach.

Erik Greenawalt, Pittsburgh PA

Jeff Pilkinton, Fort Wayne IN

Zach Herndon, Atlanta GA
Jessi Queen, Atlanta GA
Lester Mendoza, West Palm Beach FL
Beth Shistle, DeLand FL
Community Chalk Wall. (photo by Elsie Fuller)